How often have you wished that you could get in on the ground floor with a business opportunity? Imagine if ten years ago you had the opportunity to buy into Redbox, Netflix, or Google. SPARKLEPONY! is now opening itself up for associates to sell its exciting, life improving, health enhancing, money making products. You will have not only the opportunity to sell the SPARKLEPONY! mantra and homeopathic pill, but you will have the opportunity to sell SPARKLEPONY! franchises to new associates. This is how real money is made. If you can just recruit only 10 people in the tier of associates below you, and they can each just recruit only 10 people into the tier below the time that you have 10 tiers below you, that bottom tier would only have to sell $10 in SPARKLEPONY! products to make you 100 BILLION DOLLARS.*
Using SPARKLEPONY! will improve your life in ways that you can only dream of. You will soon find that you can not live without SPARKLEPONY! as it enhances your digestion, alertness, respiration, stress levels, orgasms, and health in general.** Why not also have SPARKLEPONY! improve your bank account by selling SPARKLEPONY!***DON'T LET THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR FIRST BILLION DOLLARS PASS YOU BY, START SELLING SPARKLEPONY! TODAY!****
*-That bottom tier alone would have 10,000,000,000 people (ten billion, the total number of associates below you would be 11,111,111,110 and the world's total population on 10/31/2011 reached 7,000,000,000 seven billion, so it's good to allow your franchise time and room to grow).
**-The statement that SPARKLEPONY! will "enhances your digestion, alertness, respiration, stress levels, orgasms, and health in general" in no way is an affirmative statement that SPARKLEPONY! will actually enhance your life in these ways. Side effects can included: indigestion, drowsiness, grogginess, mucous buildup, a weakened shallow breath, hypertension, erectile dysfunction, female sexual dysfunction, coma, and death.
***-The automatic bank withdrawals and minimum purchases of SPARKLEPONY! may actually drain your bank account and overdraft the account itself.
****-Making a billion dollars selling SPARKLEPONY! is not a typical result. Only you can determine how much you can make through selling SPARKLEPONY!