Big Pharma's Jackboots Trying to Shut Down SPARKLEPONY! |
SPARKLEPONY! isn't selling as well as I think it should be.* At first I was blaming myself. Maybe I shouldn't be marketing medications that haven't been "tested for scientific statistical significance." I thought, "maybe people don't want the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the greatest line of multi level marketed supplements." Then it occurred to me: the reason that SPARKLEPONY!'s sales haven't taken off as expected is because of the international conspiracy organized by Big Pharma. They want you to purchase the medications that they make that are shown to "perform better than a placebo." They have joined forces with government agencies to regulate "unsafe therapies" and "unproven claims." They convince government agencies to "prosecute charlatans for fraud."** It's the same as when they had the bust of the "laboratory"*** that first generation SPARKLEPONY!
homeopathic pills were made, just because they found that it was a "cover for a methamphetamine manufacturing operation." Don't buy the hype that Big Pharma is spinning. They are using there connections with government agencies**** to try to censor SPARKLEPONY!
Don't Swallow Their Poison! |
Here's something to think about: In 2005 over 22,000 people died due to prescription drug overdoses*****, but no one died from using SPARKLEPONY!******
*-Where are my hundreds of associates selling the truckloads of SPARKLEPONY! that I've got sitting in a U-Haul under the bridge?
**-In the last case the charges were dropped because I technically never used the term "cure."
***-"laboratory" should actually read "storage unit by the freeway."
****-Technically the following agencies can't censor: FDA: Food and Drug Administration, SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission, DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency, ICE: Immigration and Customs Enforcement, FTC: Federal Trade Commission or the Better Business Bureau.
*****-Source for statistic prescription drug overdoses: CDC
homeopathic pills are homeopathic and so no "therapeutic" ingredient is found in concentrations greater than 1:10,000,000,000,000
2) This study is from 2005 and SPARKLEPONY! wasn't released onto the market until 2011.
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